Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Can't live fast enough

Have you even wondered why students in Japan find job a year before they graduate. I was flabbergasted when I first heard about this. My initial reaction when I heard about this was, Wow! Occasionally, this strange custom would drift in and out as a conversational topic during 忘年会s or クリスマスパーティs. The fact that a student should start looking for a job long before they graduate was a strange concept to me, then, and I am sure to those who live outside of Japan too (please tell me otherwise). I never really thought much about it apart from the fact that Japanese are, well different. That is until I went to the immigration department this morning. I believe I am a little more enlightened now. Let me tell you why. I am pretty sure you'll appreciate the fact too.

Yesterday, I learnt that I was to receive an award to continue my research work in Japan for another year starting next April. The condition was, I had to graduate in time. No problem, I thought. In fact I'm just roughing out the edges of my thesis right now. So, then I thought, maybe I should go an apply to for a change of visa since it'll expire next April. So off I went happily to the Immigration office together with the letter confirming my award. Everything was pretty smooth until at the end of the procedure, the officer in charge told me that, they could change my status provided I can show them a 卒業見込み証明書. Aha!, that was when I realized why there's always a catch to everything. No, I realized that long ago, when the lady over the counter wouldn't give me the softcream I ordered when I didn't hand over 100 yen. I realized the speed and efficiency at which Japanese do things. I mean I saw how fast they build a mega shopping mall over Chritmas. I was impressed with the way they handled my check-in at the hotel. But it just hit upon me that these people, are just way too efficient, compared the folks back home in Bolehland. I mean, they still accepted my application without me producing the complete required documents. I was half expecting, OK, come again dude, when you got all your stuff readied like how I was accustomed to throughout my measly 20 year experience with government staff in Bolehland. But no, they cheerfully accepted my application. Gave me a confirmation number and told me to send then the rest of the stuff when I have it. Now, how's that for efficiency.

Which got me into thinking, the reason students here start looking for a job so soon is, well, just being prepared. No last minute applications rush etc. Or am I missing the whole picture here. Maybe, it's just the governments plan to make sure all their graduates get employed. And foreigners just get what's left over. Either way, I still think that they have a great system running here and other countries should come over and learn how things should/could be done differently.

Now, all this talking about efficiency has go me into thinking. Japanese people just can't live fast enough. They have the fastest train, the fastest lunch break, heck, the fastest delivery service, and heck even the fastest toilet flush (OK, I'm exaggerating here). These people are like, lean mean, efficient machines. No waste of time here. Trains run on right on schedules, movie shows are never late, and most of all, people look at you funny if you're late for an appointment. Which goes to show, the values the Japanese hold dear. Something great which I think would be good to rub-off of.

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