Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Life is like a used towel

Do you ever get the tired feeling that, you are so wrung-up that you don't have anymore to give. Do you ever feel like a used towel? Well sometimes I do. Which lead me to think that a person can be just like a towel. I just came out with this interesting analogy and decided to pursue it further.

Now, let's assume that a person IS a towel. Just like there are an infinite variety of people and their characters, there will be many types of towel too. Here's my version of it

Novice: like a new towel - can't absorb much.
What goes out is exactly what what comes in. There are many juveniles out there that are very impressionable and can be colored by their environment. Once dyed to a certain color, you can bleach all you want after that but stains and faint color remains. So remember why youngsters are so impressionable and why it is so important to teach youngsters the right from wrong before they are stained to the color that you don't want be.

Intermediate: used towel - absorbs a lot.
What goes out is what comes in with some extra flavor and minerals. These are the matured lot. They have been stained by the colors of life. And they contain enough colors to rub on the novices should they wish to. Seeking advice from these people are good. But just like the multi-faceted people around us, there are totally soot-blacken ones that should be avoided and there are rainbow colored ones to which advice should be seek from.

Expert: water fountain - source of mineral water.
A role model for all the others. These are wise people. They have liven their lives to the fullest and now due to physical conditions, they are constraint to stay at some place. Young people should come seek advise from these people are they are a source of wisdom. Sometimes, history can teach us a lot and through history we learn not to repeat the same mistakes again.

I have been searching for my role-model for as long as I remembered. I have looked up to leaders, scientists, and practically any older people that I can find. But I have yet to find anyone who is willing to commit themselves to spend time talking to me. Maybe technology will be my saviour. I would use the immense pool of knowledge from the internet for advise. What about you, do you have a mentor?

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