Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Cortisol and Stress

I talked about my stress induced sickness sometime ago. And recently I just read about how stress can change ones brain literally. It seems that stressed-up people are not normal. OK, we all knew for a fact how our stressed-up spouse should not be called upon to sharpen that blunt kitchen knife. Or iron our favorite shirt. But how abnormal can stressed-up people be?

An article from Time magazine talks about stress and how it affects our body. It seems that stress causes a certain chemical (cortisol) imbalance in the bloodstream. And the higher the stress level, the higher is the amount of cortisol found in the blood. Our brain is equipped to handle a reasonable amount of stress. When the hippocampus part of the brain senses excessive cortisol level flooding into the cerebrum, it sends out signals to shut down that cortisol cascade. In other words, its our feedback control system to reduce stress. However, beyond a certain threshold level, damage-control should be the next course of action. Try a long-vacation, or a guilt-free trip to the masseur. One thing is for sure, constantly elevated cortisol levels can only mean one thing, bad mojo. Health related illnesses like accelerated aging (read: wrinkles), unresponsiveness, and withdrawal syndromes. So try to keep that stress level low. For me, some quick aerobic exercise like jogging helps.


Dr. Mom said...

wow just came across this particular blog entry (thanks for the link to the Time article by the way) It's perfect for information related to a trial study I am conducting on a great new product from Xango called X51..if you are still battling stress(and who's not-LoL) contact me @ xangocat@gmail.com
Good luck

Anonymous said...

i want to know why im not smart i can think eigther...i use to know my timetables i dnt know them no more i need help if my brain is okay..

kathrynbrabylondon said...
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Anonymous said...

id like to know if stress can also change the shape of the head and temples?from the brain being stressed.has it looks concave, my farther died 10 years ago, and my brother took it very badley.he was 16 and became intensly stressed and angry. to me it looks like hes head has not deveopled and grown right with the sides being smaler than the rest of hes head. both my mum and dad or me or other any of our family don't have this. It scares me a little. and would like to help him. thanks

Anonymous said...

I would like to help. But I am no expert in stress. Merely rambling about my own stressful life. Please talk to a medical professional if you are concerned. I wish you good luck.